Sunday, September 11, 2011

My very first blog

Wow!!!I just created my blog account and about to post my very first blog. How long did it take to finally happen? I think almost 8 years :)  hmmm...

I started writing when I was around 12 years old. During school days it was mostly silly silly things - what are my homework assignments, what was for lunch and dinner, who all came to my house etc. I wrote few short stories as well during those days. And that is it. One day the writing just stopped, I didn't feel like writing anymore!!!

When I entered my adult life, that urge to write came back again. I wanted to write something for a long time but it never  happened. Not because of the lack of material but because of the lack of "that moment of creativity". Well you know what I mean. I will get lots of ideas while I am driving, cooking, washing dishes etc...but by the time I get to sit down, it will just vanish or I will simply discard that thought!

Finally it became a reality now!!!

I want to dedicate my first blog to my dear sister. Because unknowingly through her writings (she is a blogger too...I think it is time that I should ask my parents and husband to start blogging as well and make it a family deal...Just kidding :) ) she inspired me so much that I couldn't hold my desire to write anymore. Thank you dear...

I didn't think even for a second to find a name for my blog. "Bits and Pieces" , that name was in my mind from the day I started thinking about blogging. Because that is what this blog is going to be - about the bits and pieces of what I see in my life, what I hear in my life, what I experience in my life and how I process those information....

Good luck to myself :)))