Saturday, May 5, 2012

Believes and Mental Strength

When you go to a religious place or pray you won't usually think how that is affecting your mind and body. You will pray and think of God and you will get going with your daily routine. I am also like that. But recently, I found out a very interesting relationship between belief (in God, in religious rituals) and mental strength.

I used to practice some yoga, meditation and also used to do fasting on auspicious days until few of years ago. Even though it is not an easy task for normal people like us to stick to those practices, I continued with it successfully. When I become a mom my priorities shifted. I got some solid excuses of motherhood so that I drifted away from all the religious practices.

I never realized that, when I was following all those spiritual practices, in addition to help me watching my weight, those practices were helping me to watch my mind as well. (Sounds very serious right? )

Well, I figured this out pretty recently.

I noticed that whenever I have to face something challenging in life these days, I feel so much under pressure and stressed out. It didn't take much to drain my energy these days, it didn't take much to make me worry or feel sad.

The interesting thing is that I used to be very optimistic and easy-going.  I used to shake out my troubles pretty fast and was able to forget/conquer/solve the challenges at a descent amount of time. And for the past few years it is not happening that easily. I was never been able to figure out exactly why it was happening? I thought I am loosing all my analytical and problem solving skills as I grow older and started brooding over that as well.
One day all of a sudden it strikes me that, may be all this happens because I am not giving enough food to my mind, so that the mind could stay sharp and focused. So the mind could stay strong . And what exactly is that mind food for me - all those spiritual practices.  When I was following those practices I had more control over my mind. I could say no to a favorite food of mine if I wanted to( If you enjoy food you know how tough that is )But not any more . Why ? Lack of mind control.  Isn't  this exactly what all our sacred books and gurus are trying to teach us as well. Control your mind and hence control your life ( I know I made this line, but you get the point)

So if think you are not as sharp or focused as you used to be, you can't control your mind as you used to be try this simple trick. Try to empty all thoughts out of your mind for 5 minutes a day. Increase the time as you need if feels like it. You will see the difference. This will also help you to keep a positive attitude towards life.

I will miss you....

Though I didn't get to know you for long
                            the bond was already made my child
                            you gave your heart beats to you
                            and this is for you ........................

I know,
 I will never get to see you
              and lost in the beauty of your little face
I will never get to hold you
              and give my warmth to you

I know,
I will never get to look at your eyes
               and enjoy the smile in them
I will never get to hold your little fingers
              and wonder what I will do without you

I know,
I will not see you taking your baby steps
          Or call me mama for the first time
I don't get to play with you
         Or hear you laugh and cry for nothing
I won't get to read bed stories
         Or watch you sleep

No matter where I will be,
No matter who I become
             You will always be my child
             And I will always miss you

Friday, April 13, 2012

This or that ????

I wrote this a few months back and just found it....Here you go

All your life you dreamed of achieving your goal.I am talking about materialistic things only like a career, a job, a foreign trip etc . Whatever it is, you worked hard to achieve it, pray for it to happen and then wait and wait and wait. One day finally it become a reality. At that moment, some of us will be really happy, some won't even know what to do, some will cry because they are over whelmed by joy.

OK, now that you achieved your goal what do you do next? You will start living your new life with the satisfaction of reaching your goal. Along with that comes the obstacles and challenges of your new life. Eventually you will over come those challenges and your life will be keep on going. No matter what happens in your new life you know that this is what you aimed for and you will adjust to your new surroundings. 

One day you get an even better chance than what you got at first. Wow! What do you do now... Of course, just go for it....

But in between your old and new opportunity there is a tiny bit of uncertainty hanging there.You are so happy about the new opportunity, but you just gave up the old one, the goal that you achieved for the very first time, the dream that was close to your heart. What should you feel now?

Well all these things happened to me recently and I felt so lost and dizzy with emotions. Praying that I did the right thing. Hoping that I did the right thing. Deep in my mind I know what I did is the correct choice and it was a necessary step that was needed to be done. In the end  I have only one thing to do, submit everything into God's hands who gave me all these choices in the first place and relax and enjoy my day. Because these moments in my life will never come back

Be happy and Have a nice day